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St John's Primary School and Nursery

Aiming high; Proud to learn together

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Attendance & Leave

Attendance Parent Workshop 2024-2025

Uploaded by St. John's Primary School, Kenilworth on 2024-10-15.

Pupil attendance is continuously monitored by the school.  There are strict guidelines on expected attendance levels, which all schools in Warwickshire observe. Our school's attendance policy can be found in the policies section of the school website. This is in-line with the new working together to improve school attendance statutory guidance. 


If your child is absent from school, it is imperative that you let the school office know, before 8:45am, by phone or via a message on the school app. If we do not hear from you, the office staff will call/message on the app before 9.30am to determine the nature of the absence.  All absence is carefully monitored, and children falling below a certain percentage become subject to the school’s attendance procedures, as outlined in the attendance policy.

As is the case in all Warwickshire schools, parents do not have any entitlement to take their children on holiday during term time. Any application for leave must establish that there are exceptional circumstances and the Head Teacher must be satisfied that the circumstances warrant the granting of leave. The Head Teacher will determine how many school days a child may be absent from school if the leave is granted.

The school can only consider applications for leave of absence which are made by the resident parent (the parent with whom the child normally resides).

Applications for leave of absence must be made in advance and failure to do so will result in the absence being recorded as “unauthorised”. This may result in legal action against the parent, by way of a fixed penalty notice.


Important facts

  • Pupils attend school for 190 days each year. Over a school career:
    • 1 day per week of absence = Two and a half years of missed education
    • 10 days per year of absence = Two terms of missed education
    • 15 minutes of lateness per day = One year of missed education