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Year 5

'What We're Leaning in Year 5' 2024-2025

Uploaded by St. John's Primary School, Kenilworth on 2024-10-15.

Welcome to Year 5


Year 5 are taught by Mrs Rafter and Miss Maynard, with support from Mrs Gibbins, Miss Edmunds, Mrs Lambert and Mrs Barker. This year, we are focusing on five key topics, spread across the different half terms: Anglo Saxons and Vikings, The Evolution of the Railways, USA - The Civil Rights Movement, Our World and The Mayans. You can find out more about our learning each term in Year 5 by clicking the link below. 

Long Term Plan

There are a number of exciting opportunities for the children based around our learning topics, such as the thrilling visits to The Space Centre and Cadbury World in Birmingham!


The children have more responsibility in Year 5 and are encouraged to be independent learners. We place a high emphasis on learning and progress, but equally on being excellent role models for the younger children in the school.


The children in Year 5 follow the new National Curriculum, which you can read more about on the Department for Education website.
