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St John's Primary School and Nursery

Aiming high; Proud to learn together

Get in touch


Welcome to Nursery


At St John’s Nursery, our children are excited and motivated to learn through rich and challenging experiences. Every day, we provide opportunities for children to come together, form positive relationships and have fun. Our children are happy, proud and feel secure knowing that we celebrate their successes and value their achievements.


We have high expectations for all our children and recognise that they have different starting points to their learning. We plan according to children’s stage of development to enable them to thrive. We aim for children to be well-rounded individuals who are independent, resilient, and confident in themselves and with others.


As young children learn best through play, our teachers skilfully plan learning opportunities to increase readiness for school, through a mixture of child-initiated and adult-led learning. This careful planning allows children to thrive in our well-resourced nursery. We pride ourselves on offering excellent opportunities for your child to grow and develop in a safe and secure environment. Every child deserves the best possible start in life, and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. 


The environment we have created enables staff to focus on the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), which is very much centred on developing the unique child. The different areas of learning are:


  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development – making relationships and self-awareness, managing feelings and behaviour.
  • Physical Development – moving and handling, health and self-care.
  • Communication and Language – listening and attention, understanding, speaking.
  • Literacy – reading and writing
  • Mathematics – numbers and shape, space and measures
  • Understanding the World – people and communities, the world, technology
  • Expressive Arts and Design – exploring and using media and materials, being imaginative


These areas of learning are all incorporated into half-termly learning themes, which adapt according to the needs and interests of the children.


Curricular Activities

To ensure that we meet our goals of providing premium quality education, we have a wide variety of different activities available for the children.

  • Educational visits, both internal and external
  • Music and Movement sessions
  • Cooking sessions
  • Outdoor learning sessions


Partnership with parents

Our partnership with parents/carers means that you have the opportunity to work closely with our Early Years practitioners to support children’s transition into the setting. We would like parents to feel secure in the knowledge that their child is well cared for and happy at nursery. Our parents are welcome to be actively involved in their children’s learning in school, and are able to share learning experiences through ‘stay and play’ sessions, learning journeys, celebration events and parent workshops.


Learning Journal

Tapestry is an online learning journal that develops parent partnership between our nursery setting and home. Parents/ carers will be able to access Tapestry via an online portal. This allows a safe and secure way to view all of your children's learning at your own convenience. Posting photographs and observations of your child via Tapestry (which links to the Early Years Foundation Stage), enables our teachers to assess your child’s learning through daily observations. This is then used to track your child's learning and development.


Nursery Sessions

All sessions take place in the nursery environment led by a qualified teacher and a dedicated nursery team. The session times are the same throughout the year and parents can choose a pattern to suit their child.


  • All day session, 8:45am- 3:15pm
  • Morning session, 8:45am-12pm
  • Afternoon session, 12pm-3:15pm


Nursery term dates are the same as the rest of the school.

All additional information including nursery sessions, nursery admissions, and funding and fees are all located on the school website under- school life- admissions- Nursery.


If you would like any further information or have any other enquires, please contact the school office on 01926854450 or email the school office at

What to expect, when?

Below is a link to a useful government document about giving guidance to your child’s learning and development in the early years foundation stage.


Parents are able to follow all of our lovely learning via their child’s online learning journal on Tapestry.

Curriculum Letters

Autumn Term Curriculum Letter

Contact Form

Ask Miss Kelly or Mrs Barber any questions you have
