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St John's Primary School and Nursery

Aiming high; Proud to learn together

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At St John's, the children in Key Stage Two learn Spanish. We aim to give the children a fun and exciting introduction to foreign languages and have chosen Language Angels to help us deliver our lessons. We begin by teaching children basic vocabulary before building up to more complex words and phrases. Using the Language Angels scheme allows us to ensure adequate progression and good curriculum coverage.


We try to incorporate Spanish into our day to day routines by doing the register in Spanish and having Spanish vocabulary displayed in the Key Stage 2 classrooms. 


This year, we have also introduced a lunchtime Spanish club for both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children run by Joy Haley of BilinguaSing. More details about Joy and BilinguaSing can be found on 


Here is an overview of some of the topics that we cover in Key Stage 2:

Overview of topics covered in KS2


Please find below a link to the Languages National Curriculum for KS2



Humanities Parent Workshop

Spanish Policy

Our Learning in Spanish
