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St John's Primary School and Nursery

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Parent Safeguarding Workshop

Uploaded by St. John's Primary School, Kenilworth on 2023-09-18.

St John’s ensures that the safeguarding of all our children is of paramount importance.


The designated safeguarding leads are:  Mr Adam Lee, Mrs Emily Wilson, Mr Aaron Satchwell, Mrs Claire Tennant.


Mrs Jaime Shilton is a DSL who works across Keniwlorth Primary Schools.


Gill Naylor (Chair) and Daryl Molyneux are the named governors for Safeguarding.



We have four main elements to our policy: 


Prevention:  Through teaching and pastoral support – having clear safeguarding, PSHE, anti-bullying and behaviour policies.


Procedures:  Robust procedures are in place for identifying and reporting causes for concern.


Support to children and families:  Through a multi-agency approach and selecting the appropriate professionals to help and support.


Preventing unsuitable people working with children:  We would like all adults in our community to have a DBS check. The Head, Strategic Leaders, and proportion of Governors have attended Safer Recruitment training organised through the National College in partnership with the Local Authority.




Our aim is to communicate with parents where possible, and we try to ensure that open and honest dialogue takes place.  We fully understand that these conversations can be difficult, but please be assured that everything is treated in the strictest confidence.


Our policy is reviewed annually with the Governing Board and can be found below, along with other relevant policies.  A hard copy of any of our policies will be made available on request.
