Extracurricular Activities
We are lucky to be able to offer our children a wide range of extracurricular clubs and activities run by school staff and external providers:
- Coding Club
- Dance Club - pupil led
- Choir ' Warwick Sings'
- Choir - teacher led
- Hot House Music - musical instrument lessons
- Top of the Rock - drum lessonsBounce and Beat - dance and movement lessons
- Fit 4 Kids - Football and multisports
- Bilinguasing - Spanish
- Sublime Science
All our clubs and activities are aimed at enriching our curriculum and developing our children’s social skills. Children in reciept of pupil premium funding can access any paid club free of charge.
Musical Instrument Tuition
Musical instrument tuition is provided by Warwickshire Music and is available to children in Key Stage 2. Warwickshire Music supports music making in schools across the county, teaches well over 12,000 children every week in schools and music centres, and runs after-school and weekend activities for all children.
At St John’s, there is the opportunity to learn the violin, keyboard, piano or guitar. Please contact Warwickshire Music on 01926 742630 if you would like any advice about the suitability of a particular instrument for your child. Where appropriate, an instrument will be made available free of charge for the first year (subject to availability). More information on instrument hire can be found on the parent page of Warwickshire Music’s website.
Each weekly lesson lasts 20 or 30 minutes, children taught in small groups of two or three. There are 33 lessons taught in the course of the school year. Due to the fact that lessons take place during the school day, pupils may miss National Curriculum time and work missed may have to be done at home.
The cost of music tuition is £6.50 per lesson. Lessons are invoiced termly in advance. Parents and carers are asked to sign a contract agreeing to pay for the lessons. It is important to note that Warwickshire Music have strict deadlines for giving notice to stop music lessons, with at least half a term’s notice required. Notice must be given in writing to the school office.
If you are interested in your child learning to play a musical instrument, please contact the school office.