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St John's Primary School and Nursery

Aiming high; Proud to learn together

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Year 1

'What We're Learning in Year 1' 2024-2025

Uploaded by St. John's Primary School, Kenilworth on 2024-10-15.

Welcome to Year 1


Ms Fisher is 1F’s class teacher. In Year 1, we provide a welcoming and nurturing environment as children move into their first experience of KS1. There is a balance between independent (continuous provision and table top) and teacher-led activities. We also have a newly designed outdoor courtyard with practical and physical outdoor equipment to enrich and support children's learning.


We pride ourselves on delivering an engaging and cross-curricular curriculum which you can read more about on the Department for Education website. In Year 1, we value the children as individual learners and we aim to provide personalised learning opportunities for all.


Throughout the year, the children engage in a range of stimulating and creative topics, including Amazing Africa, Toys from the Past and Bright Lights, Big City.


Year 1 is an exciting transition for the children as they begin to embark upon their journey into the National Curriculum.


Find out what we are learning this term in our curriculum letters. These are on our curriculum page. 
