St. John's Primary School Curriculum
St. John’s Primary School Curriculum
Intent |
At St. John’s Primary School we are passionate about ensuring that every child reaches their full potential in their learning through a creative, exciting and rigorous curriculum.
All children at St. John’s learn a depth of knowledge through an enriched curriculum which incorporates a wealth of memorable learning experiences and develops essential personal and social skills in a caring and nurturing environment.
At St. John’s Primary School we believe that every child is entitled to experience a curriculum which:
- Is exciting, engaging and enjoyable
- Is full of memorable experiences
- Is broad and balanced
- Develops their natural curiosity and instills a lifelong love of learning
- Fully prepares them socially, morally, intellectually and spiritually to become kind, caring, considerate and responsible citizens who respect others
- Equips them with the knowledge and understanding they need to stay safe in a digital age
- Sets secure foundations of essential knowledge in all national curriculum subjects which can be built on throughout their lives
- Enables children to communicate with confidence, both orally and in writing
Underpinning this, are our core values of being:
Implementation |
Knowledge, skills and understanding as outlined in the National Curriculum are taught through half termly learning themes.
Each theme begins with a ‘wow’ opener or ‘sparkly start’ which may include a trip, a visitor or exciting experience in school. Parents will be invited to share their children’s learning 3 times per year at our ‘Fabulous Finish’ events.
More detailed information regarding specific learning experiences can be found on the 'class pages'.
In additional to the national curriculum, children will also be taught about the six main world religions through the Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.
At St. John’s Primary School, children are taught in line with the statutory guidelines for relationships and health education through the ‘jigsaw’ scheme. All of the content to be taught is available via the 'Relationships and Health Education' section of the curriculum page.
More information and policies for each subject taught at St. John’s Primary School are available by clicking on the 'Curriculum' tab at the top of the web page, then selecting the subject.
Impact |
Children are assessed in foundation subjects at the end of each half term through a knowledge quiz. We also hold weekly quiz assemblies that enable children to revisit key knowledge taught throughout their time at St John's. The children also complete assessments in reading, writing and maths 3 times per year, to enable teachers to plan quality first teaching and ensure every child makes good progress in their learning.
In line with statutory government guidelines, children in year 6 will take part in end of key stage two Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs). For our most recent results please click the link below.